A new era for Wessex Tubas


If you’re reading this, you’ve probably already noticed that a few things have changed here at Wessex Tubas, and we thought we’d take this opportunity to talk you through it all.

Wessex Tubas’ gorgeous new photography

If you’re a returning visitor to our website, one of the first things we hope you noticed is our new photography…

We’ve recently invested in some gorgeous photography; this is a project that we’re really proud of and something we’ve worked really hard on to get right - updating the photographs of every single one of our products in line with our fab new look - showcasing all of our beautiful instruments in the best light possible, and gives you an even clearer idea of the sheer quality of everything we sell here.

A new website for Wessex Tubas

In line with our photography, we’re really pleased with our brand new website, which will give you the most authentic and enjoyable experience possible, wherever you are in the world, and ensures that - whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out - you feel supported and informed to make the best decisions regarding your brass instruments.

We hope that you find our blog posts (such as this one!) really useful, and our online shop easy to use - enabling you to buy the instruments and accessories you need quickly and efficiently.

An exciting new era for Wessex Tubas

All of this work highlights a new era of positive change for us, as we continue to refine our brand and our offerings in line with what you - our customers - tell us you want, and we really hope that you love it as much as we do.

We would highly recommend, if you haven’t already, taking a good look through our website at all the new photos we’ve produced; from our Eb Tuba Junior ‘Elf’ to our Baritone or Alto/Tenor Horn Gig Bag, all organised in simple categories, so you can easily find exactly what you’re looking for. In short, we’re delighted with our new look, as we head towards a bright and promising future, designing and manufacturing truly beautiful instruments at affordable prices.

Browse our new online shop and gorgeous new photography now.

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