Wessex Tubas in Transition
Wessex Tubas & Brass is moving on to offer REGIONAL play testing opportunities in the US.
We at Wessex are very aware that many Wessex customers, interested musicians & educators are faced with difficult economic choices. The Wessex brand is synonymous with an undeniable value-for-quality balance & to continue to meet that standard we're bringing instruments from our collection to your region to give you the opportunity to test that claim for yourself. Wessex Tubas is hitting the road from November for a 6 month transition period geared towards establishing permanent regional play testing opportunities.
Keep an eye on our SM channels & website blog posts for News on where we’ll be & how to sign up for a personal play testing appointment. The Chicago showroom team have loved serving Wessex customers who have visited over the years to play test our instruments & we're looking forward to offering a similar level of service to you, in your region

Want to visit the Chicago Showroom before we close?   

Appointments available 8th - 10th Sept & 13th - 15th Oct

Email for more information : dolce@wessex-tubas.com

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